Sunday, April 26, 2015

IFJM 2015 Day 26

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Mavis writes:  The stones thrust upward with great power, They are embedded in the earth. They provide a firm support for the clay and the trees grow out from among them. They are half hidden and don't reveal all of themselves. Stones half hidden in the earth and water remind me that what we may see is not all there is. The big stones have an immovable quality while the smaller ones seem happy to be moved about by forces beyond their control, They are silent and they are themselves where ever they are. They wait in whatever place they are. They listen in quiet repose as all goes on around them. They are still. They are still when the world is still and they are still when the world is not. 

Now Freedom Comes

April 26, 2015, 7:30 AM

Materials: Gelli plate, Pentel Pocket Brush Pen, purchased stamps, hand carved stamp, acrylic paint

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